JWCC Trustees Hear Report on Stable Enrollment Year

JWCC main campus building
September 22, 2022

JWCC Trustees Hear Report on Stable Enrollment Year

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees heard an enrollment report update during its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

JWCC President Michael Elbe shared that the enrollment headcount for the fall 2022 semester is currently flat compared to this time last year. He attributes the stability to reattracting adult students lost during the pandemic. In addition, the flat credit hours reflect that the majority of the College’s students work part- or full-time jobs supporting the local labor market.

In mid-October, the Illinois Community College Board will release the final numbers for the Community Colleges in the State. Enrollment has been holding steady and is following national trends, the same as many other community colleges in Illinois.

John Wood is working strategically and focusing on enhancing students’ experiences in and out of the classroom. The College’s finances remain strong and continues to make investments in projects to meet the needs of the community and workforce. For example, the groundbreaking for the Workforce Development Center Expansion Project and the newly opened Agricultural Sciences Complex near Baylis.

“We continue to build toward the future as we purposefully reconnect and reengage with our students while focusing on the needs of our students and college community,” Elbe stated. “Faculty and staff are working together to provide relevant programs and a supportive environment so every student, on every type of educational path, can attain their goals. Our number one goal is always student success.”

In other business, the Board:

Accepted $40,073.00 in grant funds from the Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN) for the IGEN Auditorium Stage LED Replacement Project.

Accepted $312,095.00 in grant funds from the Illinois Community College Board for the Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce (PATH).

Approved $1,400,000 transfer of funds from Operating Funds to Operations and Maintenance Restricted Fund for fiscal year 2022.

Tabled until next month’s Board meeting the revisions to the College’s Board Policy Manual presented by the Board Sub-committee comprised of Mr. Fischer, Ms. Hawley, Dr. Greenwell, who reviewed the policies and recommend all policies be reviewed every three years.

Approved a $4,028.00 payment of the first installment dues to the Illinois Community College Trustees Association for FY23.

Accepted a $348,325.00 proposal and awarded Keck Heating & Air Conditioning to provide the HVAC rooftop replacement unit for Building D.

Accepted a $351,800.00 proposal and awarded Peters Heating & Air Conditioning to provide a Daikin replacement chiller for Building C – Student Administrative Center.

Accepted a $38,685.41 proposal and awarded SJ Smith Company to provide a plasma table for the welding program.

The next meeting of the JWCC Board of Trustees is set for October 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the Quincy campus.


John Wood Community College is the educational link between business and community. JWCC collaboratively creates innovative and relevant academic and training programs with business leaders to educate young people and the workforce for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities. JWCC has centers in Quincy, Pittsfield, Baylis and Mt. Sterling, Illinois. Programs include a comprehensive baccalaureate transfer curriculum, customized business training, career/technical degrees, certificates, and personal enrichment courses.