Illinois JusticeCorps courthouse volunteer

Website Illinois Bar Foundation

Job Description

Illinois JusticeCorps places volunteers in courthouses to help people without lawyers navigate the civil justice system. Illinois JusticeCorps is an AmeriCorps program.

AmeriCorps is the federal agency for national service and volunteerism. AmeriCorps provides opportunities to turn your determination, compassion, and creativity into practical solutions for neighbors and strangers, alike. AmeriCorps service also builds your professional experience and creates pathways to jobs for your future.

JusticeCorps volunteers work with courthouse staff to provide a variety of services to people who can’t afford an attorney, or simply need a better understanding of the court system and its procedures. JusticeCorps volunteers do not give legal advice, instead they empower people with the tools they need to represent themselves.

How to Apply

To express your interest and ask for the application, please email