Cylindrical haybales lie in an open field

Conservation Management

The Conservation Management Certificate is designed to prepare students for entry into or advancement in careers of natural resource management, environmental practices, soil and water conservation, and wildlife conservation. The Certificate provides current
professionals and people seeking to move into a related career with course training in specific areas of conservation. Within this certificate program, students explore a broad array of hands-on land management techniques and habitat development practices in order to gain a fundamental understanding of conservation challenges and opportunities. Students earning this certificate can expect potential employers to recognize that the student is equipped with knowledge about ecological connections in the natural environment, experience in surveying and evaluation tools used to assess habitat quality, and proficiency in natural resource sustainability.

Experiential Learning Includes:

  • Land Management Projects – Students help manage on-campus ponds, woodlands and prairie areas as well as work with conservation agencies on natural resources projects.
  • Field Equipment Training – Students will gain training and experience with forestry and fire tools, fish sampling equipment, boats, UTVs, and soil/land surveying equipment.
  • Area Field Trips – Through field trips, students are exposed to local natural resource sites and personnel to expand their network.
  • Internship Experience — Students gain real-world work experience needed to succeed in a conservation career.

Students completing this certification have the option to continue their education to earn an AAS degree in Agriculture Business Management.

Get Started Now!

Work with a counselor to get your personalized plan!

Student poses with large fish
Instructor demonstrates holding a fish to students in pond

Career Opportunities

  • Wildlife technician
  • Fishery technician
  • Park technician
  • Naturalist
  • Conservation law enforcement
  • Soil conservation technician
  • Environmental consultant
  • Forestry
  • Land Manager

Employed By:

  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources
  • Illinois Natural History Survey
  • Missouri Department of Conservation
  • Pheasants Forever
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • US Fish & Wildlife Service
  • US Department of Agriculture
  • Soil and Water Conservation Districts
  • Forestry contractor/consultant
Suggested Degree Plan for Conservation Management Certificate
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
AGR 151 Renewable & Sustainable Resources Details 2
Introduction to the conservation principles and technology behind various renewable energy sources. Issues involved in the integration of various renewable energy sources and their economics for heat, power, and transportation need are examined. Based on the technical and sustainability challenges, the future outlook for each of the sources and systems are discussed.
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 152 Natural Resource Management Details 3
Basic course emphasizing the importance and practical aspects of planning a conservation program for the agriculture producer. The student will study and develop a conservation plan for his or her own farm or a farm provided by the instructor. In-depth study of conservation practices and their economic considerations will provide the student with a better understanding of the need to plan the use, treatment and protection of soil, water, air, woodlands, wildlife, and energy use.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 153 Pest Management Details 2
The identification of weeds, insects, and diseases in agriculture crop production is covered. Emphasis is on safe handling and application of pesticides along with effective biological, cultural, chemical, and mechanical pest control methods.
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 154 Wildlife Management Details 2
Study of the principles and practices used in the production and improvement of North American wildlife resources.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various AGR 194 / AGR 199 / AGR 299 Details 2
AGR 194, AGR 199, or AGR 299.
AGR 194 Current Issues in Conservation Management Details 2
Designed to provide the opportunity for students to explore their occupational or educational interests and to become more familiar with current U.S. and World conservation practices.
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 199 Occupational Internship I Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of production, horticulture and agribusiness to learn about these businesses under actual working conditions. This experience allows the student to explore and apply knowledge to his/her career interests. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
AGR 299 Occupational Internship II Details 1-5 (Varies)
A continuation of AGR 199; a learning experience to develop an extended knowledge of agricultural businesses. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
AGR 200 Introduction to Soil Science Details 4
Introduction to the origin and development of our soils. Study will be primarily on the biological, chemical and physical aspects of soil and how they are influenced by environmental and cultural production practices. Soil testing and interpretation will be studied. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: AG 904
Prerequisites: One course in chemistry recommended
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)

Gainful Employment: For more information about graduation rates, cost, the median debt of students who complete the program, and other information, please view our Gainful Employment information for the particular certificate of study.