JWCC Trustees Approve Flat Tax Rate and Hear Report on Spring Semester Plans

JWCC main campus building
December 16, 2020

 JWCC Trustees Approve Flat Tax Rate and Hear Report on Spring Semester Plans

The John Wood Community College Board of Trustees voted to keep the College’s 2020 tax rate the same as 2019, during its regular meeting Wednesday, December 16.  The meeting was conducted virtually as permitted by the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The total tax rate for 2020 will remain the same as 2019 at $0.42400 per $100 Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) and result in a $7,865,200 levy.  Due to increases in some property values, the 2020 levy is estimated to generate $328,600 more than in 2019.   An owner of a home in JWCC’s district valued at $100,000 in 2020 should expect to pay the same as last year, which is approximately $115.89.  Funds from the 2020 levy will be distributed to the College in the      2021-22 fiscal year.

“As stewards of public dollars, we work together every day to be more efficient and effective in delivering quality programs and services,” JWCC president Michael Elbe said.  “We will continue to hold true to our board’s commitment to remain a progressive, growing institution because when we grow it benefits our workforce and the quality of life in the communities we serve.”

The Board also heard a report on JWCC’s Spring 2021 plans.  “The Spring academic calendar remains the same and will mirror our Fall semester with no disruption of classes or services.  Classes start on January 11 and we are registering students now.”  President Elbe said.  “We continue to plan and examine all aspects of the College to fully utilize course offerings and programs for student success, which is our number one goal, all while ensuring a safe environment for everyone.”

Tracy Orne, JWCC dean of students and enrollment management shared that the College’s spring enrollment is faring better than other community colleges in Illinois because of the class options offered to students.  John Wood offers a mix of online, hybrid, in-person and flex courses.  “We want to meet students where they are and deliver classes that meet their individual learning needs.  Our faculty worked hard to provide these options and our students services staff has done a great job delivering flexible ways for students to receive the support and connections they need outside the classroom,” Orne said.

“Spring semester enrollment comes from continuing students, four-year university students rethinking their college choice, high school students interested in concurrent enrollment to jumpstart college, and adult students beginning or continuing coursework to gain new skills or a new career. We understand adult students have specific needs and concerns, so we have a dedicated adult advisor, adult-specific scholarships and have created a new group called Motiv8 tailored to help adult students succeed,” commented Orne.

In other business, the board:

Authorized submission of a $370,000-$375,000 annual grant application to the Department of Education for TRIO- Academic Talent Search.

 Authorized submission of a $5,000 grant application to the United Way of Adams County for RSVP serving Adams, Brown and Pike counties.

Approved the Resolution and Certificate relating to levying additional taxes.

Approved the Resolution to levy taxes and Certificate of the tax levy.

Authorized a $4,028 payment for the second half of the Illinois Community College Trustee Association dues for 2020.

Authorized acceptance of a $191,250 estimated yearly copier bid to Watts Copy Systems.

Authorized acceptance of a $52,605 bid from Keck Heating and Air Conditioning for VRF Heat Pumps for the Workforce Development Center.

Approved request to reject all courtyard concrete improvements proposals due to specification corrections.

Approved the renewal of the consortium agreement between John Wood Community College and Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences Health Information Management and Medical Laboratory.

Approved the employment contract of Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, Vice President for Instruction from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.

Denied amicable separation of two submission requests presented to Administration.

The next meeting will be held February 17, 2021 at 6 p.m. at JWCC’s Quincy campus.

John Wood Community College is the educational link between business and community. JWCC collaboratively creates innovative and relevant academic and training programs with business leaders to educate young people and the workforce for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities. JWCC has centers in Quincy, Pittsfield, Baylis and Mt. Sterling, Illinois. Programs include a comprehensive baccalaureate transfer curriculum, customized business training, career/technical degrees, certificates, and personal enrichment courses.