Grievances & Due Process

Students with disabilities who feel they have been discriminated against in the context of academic adjustments/accommodations have the right of appeal. John Wood Community College is committed to providing prompt and effective resolution of questions regarding denial of academic adjustments/accommodations, and encourages informal resolution of complaints as close to the source as possible.

The College may deny the requests of students with disabilities for accommodations and/or auxiliary aids which impose an undue hardship on the college, which substantially modify academic standards, programs or course work, or those for which documentation is insufficient.

If a student brings a complaint regarding denial of an accommodation needed in an ongoing class, the decision of Disability Services to provide or deny said accommodation shall be implemented until such time as a formal resolution of the grievance process is achieved.

Due Process:

In situations where there is disagreement concerning the appropriateness of a particular accommodation, the student must lodge his/her complaint within five working days of receiving a decision of denial of accommodations/adjustments or of the perceived occurrence.

The grievance procedure is as follows:

  1. The student must discuss the situation with the Coordinator of Disability Services and faculty member, if involved. If no satisfactory resolution is reached;
  2. the student must appeal the decision to the Director of the Support Services Center/ADA Compliance Officer

Every attempt will be made by JWCC personnel to complete each phase of the above review process within five working days.